Thursday, January 19, 2017

How 'Kohli' became so 'Virat'

Reasons why Virat Kohli for the best
Virat Kohli became the captain of Indian cricket team last week with an amazing batting record highly consistent on the pitch, fast between the wicket and ability to play even better in harsh pressurizing situations. Everyone wonders what the actual difference is between him and other world class cricketers that make him so unique. The making of Kohli to Virat.
Virat Kohli was selected in the senior national team from under 19 national team in 2008 a chubby young man with a lot of enthusiasm but was unable either to score big runs or staying a long time on the crease, he neither was a big hitter nor was fast a runner between the wickets. However, He improved and established himself remarkably one of the best batsmen in the world, way above from player with whom he actually started his inning of the carrier. People always think why he became so inimitable and breaking records every day.  Therefore, I decided to write this article about the progression of his career, his devotion toward the subconsciously implanted image of the best batsman and his toiling effort toward his goals.

The Psychology
In sports, most of the best players are most passionate ones, although, for some of the players, it’s not a sports, it’s a war and pitch or ground is their battlefield. Thus, most of best player consider them as a warrior and want to express their prowess in their acquired field. This feeling enables them to harness all the strength needed to go through the path full of thorns and fire, blood and sweat which is mostly away from the ground or camera, and people acquaint it after the player begin to lay his hands on his desired goals. Likewise, for him, he is a king or a warrior who can win wherever he wants.

Fitness & athleticism
Fitness and athleticism are the most essential factors which can make sportsman one of the best by making a player stronger (physically as well as mentally), more flexible, swift and efficient to endure long in the game. Here, Kohli changed his body by moiling himself in the gym by strengthening the body using a five day per week workout plan. I have illustrated his plan in the supplementary.
For an example, this is the astonishing shot he played it his outstanding inning against England on 15th Jan 2017.

He converted a good length ball rising toward his chest to a six with an amazing strength, timing combined with the balance of the body. All he did that he came under the ball, twisted his torso by using power and flexibility of his shoulders combined with the core (abs and back) and finally shifting weight from front to the backfoot that was enough from the hail Kohli to bash the ball outside the boundary line. This is a significant example of his mastery over his body which converts the imagination of his mind to the physical reality.
In past few years, he has increased his speed as well as stamina in between wickets we rarely see him feeling cramped or getting injured. All this is not just coincidence; there is a lot of hard work behind it.

It is one the key factor for everyone for success which one can learn by working out on something earnestly and apply the same principle to the normal life. If you want something for the long run then you need to stay true to yourself and this is called as the discipline. Here, Kohli has already mastered his skill of discipline both on his brain as well as on his body. He can run as long as he wants, similarly, he can abstain himself from eating something tasty or some small time wasting instant rewards for nothing i.e. drinking alcohol.
Note: this can be earned by hours and hours of training on himself and devotion similar as a ritual.

Cristiano Ronaldo factor
Virat Kohli has always been a fan of C. Ronaldo as well as Real Madrid. He follows his style and takes him as motivation for hard work as well. There is a lot of similarities in both of them, the aggression, celebration, as well as training.

Ex-English captain Nasser Husain tweeted recently as Virat Kohli is Cristiano Ronaldo of cricket.


Virat Kohli’s psychology keeps him at the top and motivates him to fight back.
In previous year he has improved his physic, fitness as well as flexibility by working hard in the gym which pays off on the pitch
His discipline makes him eat right and work as a motivation for the training hard.
He heard that C. Ronaldo is one of most hard working player in football so as follower of Ronaldo he try to work hard both off and on the cricket ground
On the pitch, he is a fire but at the same time he respect others (Cristiano Ronaldo factor)


workout routine
5 days workout in which Sundays and any other in the week is rest day
cardio is a for four days while, he does three days of weight training, which old school powerlifting and crosfit training most of time for his explosiveness, speed, and power.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Eggs 'Bad or Good'


Consumption of eggs and its effect on the body

"The myth" 

It's usual for me to go to egg shops and ask for 6-7 boiled eggs in the night to keep them with me for taking before the sleep. Though, sometimes it is bit annoying to face some people who usually warn me about the overdose of egg consumption as a health hazard. While, at times, some of them ask me about risks of taking a large number of eggs each day. Therefore, I am writing this article to eradicate the bad image of eggs.

What is an egg?
 Eggs are laid by female individuals of many different species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. These have been eaten by humans for thousands of years but Chicken eggs are most favored option to eat. Beside of egg shell and membrane, an egg has two main consumable constituents 1. albumin (egg white) 2. Egg yolk

Biomolecules and Nutrients
Eggs contain many biomolecules in which most of them are necessary for desirable nutrition such as Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and vitamins.
Molecular constituents of eggs are given in the table in supplementary at the end of the post.

Eggs or dietary villain?
  1. The Fats 
   As the table (supplementary) suggests that eggs contain a high amount of fats and cholesterol. One large egg caters 5g of lipids, in which saturated fats contribute to 1.5g. An egg also contains approximately 200 milligrams of cholesterol, which is a fat-like substance found only in animal foods. Saturated fats and cholesterol in the body are found to be associated with raising blood cholesterol and increasing the risk of heart disease, health experts once recommended limiting eggs in the diet to fewer than four a week.

  2. TMAO
  Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) is the organic compound. it is a product of the oxidation of trimethylamine, a common metabolite in animals. It is an osmolyte found in saltwater fish, sharks, rays, mollusks, and crustaceans. It is a protein stabilizer that may serve to counteract urea, the major osmolyte of sharks, skates and rays, however, it also present in the ureotelic animal in which amount of urea is higher, such as mammals (humans).
In some of the studies, it is found related to heart diseases. Other studies suggested that choline and carnitine which are converted to TMAO by intestinal bacteria which can increase cardiovascular diseases (CVD) same group stated that eggs contain Lecithin which is broken down to choline and if the person have these kinds of bacteria in intestine the choline will be converted to TMAO and the person is at risk now.

  3. The Wikipedia and the media
   Most of the online population of the world search about their confusion on google and Wikipedia. I am not sure about other sources on google but the people who directly prefer Wikipedia because of its good referencing and organized structure keeps blind faith on it, as a researcher, there are numerous times I have found that the information written on Wikipedia may not be authenticated and not always correct. Now if you go to Wikipedia and search for "eggs as a food", you will find that there is almost everything written on it, negatively representing the eggs as a cardiovascular health risk, while I firmly believe that "eggs may somewhat look like Voldemort but actually they are not".

    Media is the main source of knowledge for ordinary people, where media either misinterpret or to get more attention of people somewhat changes the statements and conclusion of an article to their own desire. This results in misleading of information to the people.

  4. Confounding Research
Research is the key to any scientific knowledge, on the evidence of experimental experiences of researchers we understand the applications, advantages, and discommodes of different subjects. Therefore, its duty of the researcher to harness their investigations and observations in, as controlled environment as possible to negate the different factors which can affect the studies and hinder the results. Moreover, This can provide significance to their studies either. However, in the case of eggs, there are so many factors which affect the blood cholesterol level as well as the probability of happening of event of cardiovascular disease (CVD), such as fats in their diet, type of lipids taken, Alcohol consumption, smoking, girth size, BMI, age, sex, social class, dietary variables, physiological problems. In many of the studies were on diabetes or CVD there are different factors were used and older age was much of concern in them. Furthermore, all the studies which show eggs are bad for CVD and diabetes, do not consist control data for smoking/alcohol consumption and type fat diet taken beside of eggs.  Interestingly, all the studies which have many controlled combined-factor do not show any significant difference to conclude as the egg is bad for the heart. Similarly, there is no study which shows eggs are bad in younger individuals or people with regular physical activities or in athletes.
Above I have discussed about TMAO  but take a look at this research: there is article which says eggs are bad “Eggs, Too, May Provoke Bacteria to Raise Heart Risk” (2013) and for red meat “Culprit in Heart Disease Goes Beyond Meat's Fat” (2013) Even more perplexing was another study "L-carnitine significantly improves patient outcomes following heart attack" (2013), in this study researchers, stated that the same carnitine is known to help people recover from heart attacks. Leaving one in the confusing position, were one to formulate their meal plan from these articles, of avoiding red meat until you had a heart attack, and then eating more of it?

By studying all of it I felt much confounding about the villainous image of the egg. However, after further deep analysis I reached to a conclusion that there are not enough pieces of evidence to consider eggs for causing hazardous effects to a healthy, young and athletic individuals.

Reality of An egg
After studying a huge amount of articles I learned that reality of egg is far from what presented to our society. It has many advantages specifically for athletes, it is one of the healthiest food to eat.
Let's discuss some specialties of eggs.

   1. The cholesterol
    Cholesterol in egg yolk is a free cholesterol which either can bind with saturated trans fat or with polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is found that consuming eggs affect least the blood cholesterol level, further some recent research shown that whole eggs can increase the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). Thus, in reality, eggs are not bad for cholesterol metabolism for humans.

   2. Cholesterol in sports
    If we talk about the role of cholesterol for athletes, then we should know that cholesterol is an important precursor compound for sexual hormonal system i.e. Testosterone for males and estrogen in females. Both of the hormones are important for athletes. You must have listened about players taking steroids for their better performance, similarly, in bodybuilding taking steroids, testosterone booster, and direct testosterone is common. However, eggs can function as a good source of cholesterol for the hormonal balance, good sports performance as well as in muscle building without any drug abuse.

    3. Egg as a protein source
    These days almost everyone knows that eggs are a good protein source. Nevertheless, it's rare that people know that the rate of absorption of egg protein is higher than any other natural source of protein, thus bioavailability of this protein is higher than any other natural food protein, furthermore for vegans, plant proteins are least bioavailable. Therefore, most of the whey proteins companies use egg white as a source of whey protein.

    4. Vitamin source
    Eggs are a great source of many different vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin B, vitamin E. Vitamin D is a prime vitamin for calcium metabolism of the body and most of the Indian population is highly deficient in this vitamin. Vitamin E is important for hair, skin and good wound healing (healing an important factor for all the athletes).

  1. Eggs are misinterpreted food all the animal kingdom including humans are eating eggs since thousand of years. 
  2. Eggs can increase TMAO but that is already present in the ureotelic and aminotalic animals.
  3. Eggs can increase L-carnitine and choline both have been studied to be involved in CVD, although, L-carnitine is been studied to increase the performance muscles of athletes (it is present in muscles).
  4. Choline is said to be bad for the heart but it also found to help the CVD patient in their improvement.
  5. Egg's cholesterol helps in increasing HDL-Cholesterol.
  6. Egg's cholesterol helps in sexual hormonal balance, increases T-levels in men and help in muscle building and in healing their injuries faster as well.
  7. Since egg protein is highly bioavailable, it reaches muscle tissues faster.
  8. Eggs are one of the good sources of vitamins.

  1. Are Eggs Bad For You? Egg Cholesterol Myths, How the Body Works, Clinical Nutrition 
  2. eggs-too-may-provoke-bacteria-to-raise-heart-risk
  3. health/study-points-to-new-culprit-in-heart-disease 
  4. L-carnitine significantly improves patient outcomes following heart attack
  5. l-carnitine-is-it-good-or-bad-for-your-heart 
  6. Egg Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Men and Women
  8. Regular egg consumption does not increase the risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases. 
  9. Egg consumption and CHD and stroke mortality: a prospective study of US adults
  10. Egg consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease in the SUN Project (Nature)
  11. high-blood-cholesterol is not related with eggs

Table showing biomolecular constituents of eggs per 100gm (2 eggs = 100gm)
Energy647 kJ (155 kcal)

1.12 g

Fat (lipids)
   10.6 g

12.6 g
Vitamin A equiv.
149 μg
Thiamine (B1)
0.066 mg
Riboflavin (B2)
0.5 mg
Niacin (B3)
0.064 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)
1.4 mg
Vitamin B6
0.121 mg
Folate (B9)
44 μg
Vitamin B12
1.11 μg
294 mg
Vitamin D
87 IU
Vitamin E
1.03 mg
Vitamin K
0.3 μg

50 mg
1.2 mg
10 mg
172 mg
126 mg
124 mg
1.0 mg

Other constituents
Water75 g
Cholesterol373 mg

Friday, January 6, 2017

My journey (skeleton to ripped mass)

 The Journey of Gaining Weight

 "Impossible is Nothing"

On 31st Dec.2016 when everyone was getting ready for their new year celebration, I posted a picture of mine on Facebook about showing the change in shape of  my body  and everyone started asking me about the training, the diet and if I did use any of the supplements. Therefore, I decided to write a post on my complete journey of gaining weight from 48Kgs to 65Kgs.

I lived 25 years of life believing that my physical characters are the part of my genes and this is the reality which I need to obey. Life was hard when everyone was mocking about you and sometimes it was disheartening that even there are many ways in which you are better than them but still, in the end, you are measured by your physical looks. Interestingly, it was hard for me to believe this but you can never know what future holds in hands for you, since some of the people I know started to change by working out in the gym; it was beginning of my desire which was whispering inside me that I need to reform myself now and it must be out of understandings of normal people.

The shame & the pain
I went to the gym for the first time, everyone was hitting the iron which was uncommon for my brain to understand, I approached the trainer of the gym and he talked about timings and fees, He gave me timings of  5 pm of the gym. Already those were hard days for me, when the time came I was bit scared and nervous at the same time but I went and submitted fees and came for exercise I felt ashamed by looking at the men and the girls in the gym and tried to hide everything inside the clothes, however, I still remember those were typical summer days everyone wearing least as they can for a workout. So I started my warmup, after some pushups which is a usual warmup routine for gym athletes I was done with training and I had no energy left in me and in my muscles for further training now he gave me exercises which I had never known before. I was trying to pull the least machine's weight for exercises. After 2 exercises I was so exhausted and rather weak that it was impossible for me to do more exercise even without any weight on the machine. I was in pain my arms started to feel numb but he kept me pushing to complete workout of all 6 exercises of that day. Luckily, I survived that day, further, it was Saturday and he already told be about Sundays are off days.  I was so tired I came back ate as much I could and slept. Next day I was unable to move much of my body as it was sore, my arms were swelled and I was incapable of lifting even a book properly. 
The next Monday after somehow finishing the work of the day I went to the gym again this time I was not even able to perform even a single pushup because of my pain due to sore muscles. I was so ashamed I tried to assume as I am the only one in the gym. It was getting worse for me but somehow I completed my workout that day.
Now there was the addition of some exercises in the routine and the trainer taught me about squats (which is part of legs exercise routine) I performed the exercises and painfully finished my workout.  Next day was much more adventurous, now my legs were in pain I was not able to walk properly.

Sooner, everyone was laughing at me. Some people suggested me not to workout as I am so weak they further suggested me eat and gain something before joining gym, Some of them said gym is waste and interestingly, some of them suggested me take alcohol to gain weight but only thing I did great is I listen to nothing and continued with my workout with increased diet.


When you try to do something new, something different, injuries (failure) and mistakes are the part of it but that does not mean you should not try anything new in life which can improve yourself. Not trying rather can make you weak and you won't even realize it because you didn't even realize your mistake and you failures when you waste all the time with a false belief of being in a safe zone, you unknowingly becoming hollow from inside and when all the time is gone ultimately life gifts you a shocker that you are a failure because you never tried anything in life. A similar scenario is in weight training or any other sports. Injuries were part of the journey where I actually learned a lot about my body type and the exercise I should choose to improve the routine as well as my body.
The first and most common injury I had during the course workout was the problem of a weak wrist. As a genetic ectomorph, my wrists are so narrow and weak that if I try to do many compound movement without preparing it for exercises these can get hurt and may remain in pain for weeks so in the beginning, I had lot of problem with my wrists until I had to find workouts for wrist strengthening.
Lower back injuries were very common with me since childhood during sports and other dynamic events I had a lot of lower back injuries which can hurt so bad that you can't able to walk or not even able to rotate yourself from one side to other during the sleep. These can be because of wrong movement and posture of exercises.
Lastly some accidental injuries like dumbbell slips, but all these kept me in pain and most importantly kept me away from the workout and when I returned back to the gym I had to start over again from getting a bit weaker.
Despite all injuries, I kept myself motivated because of small improvement I began to observe.

After all I am a Researcher

Yes!! I must mention that research is my owned topic, though I was working on my body I commenced grasping the importance of knowledge about exercises, human physiology as well as dynamics of movements. Since, It does not make any sense to lifting the weight without much understanding of principles of exercises, instead, it may become risky for the body to get injured. Therefore, there is a science behind everything and most of the local trainer do not have the adequate understanding at which they can help their client at a significant depth.They mostly suggest almost similar solutions to everyone. It is essential to understand that we all are different with different specialties and problems so it may not be the most accurate way to treat everyone in the same manner.
Thus I started to read different research articles on case studies of the effect of exercises on body weight, diet plans, amount of protein needed for weight training athletes, training types, and different routines. I also started to follow different channels on YouTube, different websites to learn faster about weight training. Further, I  found that only body-weight workout can also be used for gaining muscles in the similar fashion and it has different training routine. I attained enormous delighting knowledge which I introduced in my workout and in my diet plan as well.
People with less knowledge again started to deride me as I was crazy but In reality, It was almost impossible to make them understand that what am I up to. 

People's respect
Three months have passed and the change was evident in me now. People started to appreciate my effort and they wanted to keep me in their different group as the motivation. Some of them started to support me and most amazing some them use to watch me working out on leg days at the gym. Funniest thing was to remember that some of them given me name of Iron ass just because of leg days workouts.
It was a great motivation to watch them changing their opinion about me, sometimes it felt like Rocky vs Drago fight in which Russian crowd in the end, start to support rocky despite rocky being present at an away boxing match situation.

Nothing is permanent
One of the most important thing to remember as a human being is "Nothing is permanent". If you are working on something and earned something that does not represent, it will remain with you forever effortlessly. There is no way to sit back and watch over your hard work and the long path that you covered and to assume for sustaining your abilities with you eternally. The mistake I did, as the pressure of work increased and my earning went down. The clouds of darkness started to trap my thoughts, moreover, I got sick, first with dengue and then viral knocked me down. I left workout; by and by my weight started to fall down, subsequently a few months later, I was at 58Kg from 63Kg.

The Comeback
If you are running in a race and you fall down it does not mean that you can not try again by getting up. Similarly, here I decided to go back to the gym after a brutal 2016. So, at 1st Nov. I was at the gym and started my workout again. This time gym caretaker and ex-trainer suggested me to take weight gainer supplement but as long as I had sufficient proficiency and learning of the subject now I abide on my natural diet. I knew how can I complete the demands of the body both through the workout as well as by a good diet plan. As I finished with the initialization of workout and activation of muscles, time had arrived to change the routine and I was ready to rumble again.

After two months of rigorous workout, an enormous diet which was full of nuts, eggs, and milk. Everyone started to see me with astound eyes. This time I was not surprised because I knew I could do even better.

What did I learn

  1.  Never dishearten yourself in believing others statements about you. 
  2.  Never underestimate yourself
  3. If you believe that it's possible and you can imagine it logically, It will happen.
  4. Always keep learning and apply your knowledge as early as possible for the best results.
  5. Nothing can stay with you without any effort on it.
  6. It's okay if you fall down, everyone does what defines you how you respond after you fall. Get back up and represent yourself as an example to others.
  7. You can always show a proud comeback.

Finishing the article with the routine I followed both workout and diet plans.
 Workout plan
  1.  Initialization (3 weeks)
  2. Main intermediate workout
  3. Advanced workout
1.  Before I start, it should be mentioned that the workout plan I chose to use was fully focused on building muscles, there is other kind of training methods also which have different motifs, e.g. for losing weight, strength training, speed training etc.
The initialization period was of three weeks in which first two weeks were  focused only on upper body with a mixed work-out-cycle of two sets of each exercise, 6 days in a week. Each day consisted total no. of six different exercises divided accordingly with six different major muscle groups in the body. On the third week, an addition of leg workout was initiated with body-weight workout drills. However, leg extension was done on the smith machine. Further after three days, there was addition of weights in different compound leg exercises e.g. lunges, squats, deadlifts. After three weeks of initialization, my body was ready for actual workout routine which I majorly follow.

2. This workout routine consisted of 5 days workout in which I primarily emphasized on large muscle groups of body i.e. back, chest, thighs, and core. Nevertheless, I worked on others small muscles also e.g. biceps, triceps calf.
Following table explain the workout program.




Monday Legs
Leg press, Weighted Squats, Lunges, Dead Lifts, Leg extension/ Hamstrings curls, Calf raises
Tuesday Chest
Straight bench press/ dumbbell press, Inclined bench press/ dumbbell press, Declined bench press/ Dumbbell press, cable flies/dumbbell flies, Butterfly machine
Wednesday Back
Lat pull down/ wide pull ups (front&back), T-bar/ barbell rows, single hand dumbbell rows, sitting cable rows, closed hand lat pull down/ closed hand pull ups
Friday Shoulder
Barbell shoulder press, Arnold press, machine presses (back and front), lateral raises, front raises, upper hold and weighted shoulder raises
Saturday Arms
Barbell biceps curls, dumbbell curls, z-bar spider curls, hammer curls, pulley push down, skull crusher, double hand overhead triceps push, rope push down.

3.  This workout routine is workable if you have less time and your body take longer in recovery. It's a four-day workout cycle totally based on building lean muscle mass.
There is no in between rest for parallel exercises e.g. any of back exercise combined with biceps exercise. Three sets of all exercises and each set have a pair of parallel exercises with a rest time of 45 seconds for each set.
You can change you rest day accordingly.
Note:- this workout is exhausting enough to make you feel sore for days if your body does not support this level. The workout program is explained in the following table.




Monday Legs
Leg press, Weighted Squats, Lunges, Dead Lifts, Leg extension/ Hamstrings curls , Calf raises
Tuesday Chest & Triceps
(Straight bench press/ dumbbell press, pulley push down), (Inclined bench press/ dumbbell press, skull crusher), (Declined bench press/ Dumbbell press, double hand overhead triceps push), cable flies/dumbbell flies, (Butterfly machine, rope push down)
Wednesday Back & Biceps
(Lat pull down/ wide pull ups {front&back}, Barbell biceps curls), (T-bar/ barbell rows z-bar spider curls), (single hand dumbbell rows, dumbbell curls), (sitting cable rows, hammer curls), closed hand lat pull down/ closed hand pull ups.
Friday Shoulder
Barbell shoulder press, Arnold press, machine presses (back and front), lateral raises, front raises, upper hold and weighted shoulder raises

Diet Plan
A legitimate diet plan is always necessary with a good workout routine, one is complementary of other. A hard working person must not waste its energy in vain by neglecting the meal pattern accordance with workout goals.
Following table represent the diet plan I used for bulking 


Food to eat                              

Breakfast bread butter/jam, 2 boiled eggs, milk/Lassi
Morning Snacks
4 Roti, Daal, Sabzi, Rice, Banana shake
Evening Snacks Banana Shake , 2 egg omlette
Dinner Daal, roti, sabzi, rice, (sometimes chicken),
Banana shake
Before sleep 6 Boiled eggs, glass of water