Thursday, August 31, 2017

Speed, Strength or just mass

 Speed, strength or just mass

     When I was a novice in the gym and was struggling in my own routines. I used to observe other people working out and sometimes wonder why huge muscular guys can’t perform basic body weight exercises with perfection such as skipping, clap push-ups or particularly any kind of pull-ups or chin-ups. Similarly, watching a bigger guy struggling in squatting with the same weight I perform with ease, having a body weight of mine way lesser than him. I used to wonder what is the point of being this big with beautiful chest and arms; however, can’t lift oneself own weight perfectly. If someday in the real world he would be needed for help, he won’t be able to help even of his own self. This is how I understood; although size looks attractive most of the time, it does not define one's athletic abilities. In addition, these abilities can be versatile with the requirement of the conditions.

 Structural and  functional characteristics of muscles
    Animals body have various types of tissues in which muscles are the special type of tissues especially designed for the locomotory function of the body. These cells are contractile, elongated, multinucleated and fibrous in nature which helps them change their size by contracting and stretching of the cells. In various types of muscle cells, skeletal muscle is implicated with locomotion. Video below demonstrates the structure and function of the muscle tissue.

Athleticism and muscles
Muscles play a major role in the performances of the athletes. Though, multiple factors are involved in athleticism and in sports performance; four major elements of athleticism play a key function in the output of an athlete. 

1. Speed :

 Speed is the soul of every sport where even the division of a second also counts. The faster you are more valuable you are in your sports, it might be football, boxing, sprinting or cricket. Speed is a star on the chest that defines your elite status in your region. However, this is just one aspect of athleticism, while keeping in mind technical skill of your sport is also important. 

Speed is the ability of one's muscle to respond faster than normal to any stimuli. White muscle fibers Different kind of muscle tissues are involved in this desired output to increase explosiveness and overall speed. These muscle fibers are majorly seen in animals of the cat family and we all know the prowess as one of the fastest animal family of land. Although, speed is a somewhat genetic character, yet it is trainable and can be vanquished all genetic hurdles.  

2. Stamina :

 In sports or else, endurance provides you long term achievement as strategically it gives upper-hand in the later phase of any game when all the other opponents feel tired while one is always fresh. The ability of muscles of not to get fatigue is called as endurance or stamina. Though, white muscle fibers can give you strength; these fibers work for a short burst. Whereas, red muscle fibers provide stamina; however, they are slow in functioning. Therefore, if one is working on speed only, it can result to lose endurance in the long run. Nevertheless, a balance in the training and smartness of application during the game can upshot consistency of both factors.

3. Strength :

 Strength in sports is also one of major factor affects the outcome of one's performance. It can make one's opponents to think twice before strangling with physical means, for example, pushing or taking one down. In some sports, strength is one major factor such as weight lifting or gymnastics. It depends on the amount of muscle in the body, coordination and neurotransmitter induction during the movement. The more is neurotransmitter release at the intramuscular junction, more strength will be the output which can overcome the size difference of the muscle to some extent.

4. Flexibility :

 Most of the exercisers mostly ignore the flexibility factor, particularity weightlifters in the gym. However, flexibility is one of most significant factors in athleticism. It decreases one's probability of getting injured at a remarkable level by increasing the capability of muscles and tendons to stretch further. It also provide one's aptness toward longer range of motion, thus, providing larger reach toward the goal of that instance. There are different programs focused on flexibility of athletes in which yoga is highly flexibility focused exercise routine.

Where the problem lies

Most of the people who visit gym or does not try any workout beleive that a bigger sized person or larger muscle will produce more power/strength. Although, it is somewhat correct; it is still a partial truth. By bulking up a person might improve ones strength. However, the optimum functionality and athleticism will be lost. It will be difficult to control oneself own bodyweight and that for longer period of time. Video below have clearly depicted the strength of little man as he is squating with almost 150kgs.

Therefore, a person should chose an overall program for simple fitness or to improve athleticism in sports by understanding weakness of one kind of training program.